2020 (ish) Meeting of the American Oystercatcher Working Group

The AMOY Working Group held its 20th annual meeting on Zoom (like everything else in 2020) on February 2-5, 2021. While we could not meet in person, we were grateful that the remote meeting allowed for more people to engage, with attendance totaling a record 99 individuals from Maine to Chile. The meeting also saw the first-ever virtual yet in-person bestowal of the AMOY Working Group Award.

The presentations sparked lively discussion among site managers, field biologists and technicians, researchers, students, professors, and volunteers. The meeting notes capture the spoken conversation as well as exchanges in the chat box (thank you, Alex!). Coming out of the meeting, the Working Group formed new sub-committees to work in the following areas: Habitat, Productivity, Capture and Banding, and Website. If you are interested in joining one of these teams, email the Steering Committee.

Zoom group photo.

Meeting Documents

Video Recordings

Each day of the meeting was recorded and is available in the links below. Note that the habitat restoration session breakout groups could not be recorded, so refer to the meeting notes for that content. Please email Lindsay Addison for the password to open/download them.


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