AMOY Working Group News
2021 Meeting is Virtual and Registration is Open!
The annual Working Group meeting for the 2021 season will be held on Zoom Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2021, 9am-1 pm EST daily. Check out the meeting’s page for more information or follow this link to register.
2020 (ish) Meeting of the American Oystercatcher Working Group
The annual Working Group meeting for the 2020 field season will be (like everything else) held virtually February 2-5, 2021, 9am-12pm EST daily. While we cannot meet in person, we are grateful that the remote meeting will allow for more people to engage in this year’s meeting. We look forward to seeing your faces and hearing your voices over Zoom!
Topics and discussion will be relevant to site managers, field biologists and technicians, researchers, students, individuals working on habitat restoration and enhancement, and shorebird volunteers and enthusiasts. We hope that the remote format will allow for broad attendance and participation around the range.
More information and instruction for meeting registration can be found here.
Registration is Open for the 2018 Meeting!
The meeting will take place Nov. 5-8 at the LDWF Grand Isle Fisheries Research Lab
Registration is Open for the 2017 Meeting!!!
The American Oystercatcher Working Group will hold its 17th annual meeting on Sapelo Island, Georgia! This large barrier island is located mid-way between Savannah GA and Jacksonville FL. There is a ferry to get us to the island where we will meet at facilities operated by the University of Georgia Marine Institute. The island is a wonderful place with a rich history, boasting the extant Geechee community of Hog Hammock, an historic mansion operated by Georgia State Parks, and much more!
Follow this link to learn more about the meeting and to register!
American Oystercatcher Special Issue Released by Waterbirds!
The American Oystercatcher Special Issue of Waterbirds is finally here!!! This Special Issue of the journal contains articles published from work that was presented at the Waterbird Society Meeting’s Oystercatcher Symposium in 2015. Many thanks to all of the contributors and especially to our editors from the AMOY Working Group: Pam Denmon, Felcia Sanders, and Ted Simons, and Waterbirds editor: Stephanie Jones for all of their hard work!
Click the image below to view the issue on BioOne.