2003 Meeting of the American Oystercatcher Working Group
The third annual meeting of the Atlantic Coast American Oystercatcher Working group was hosted by Barry Truitt of the Nature Conservancy, Ruth Boettcher of Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, and Alex Wilke of the College of William and Mary. The meeting was held at historic Cobb Island Station in Oyster, Virginia.

- David F. Brinker and James M. McCann, MD DNR, Natural Heritage Program
American Oystercatcher breeding distribution and population size in Maryland, by Dave Brinker and Jim McCann - John Sabine, University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forest Resources
Effects of Disturbance and Predation on American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) During the Breeding Season, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia - Ruth Boettcher, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
Breeding Distribution of American Oystercatchers in Chesapeake Bay - Alexandra Wilke, College of William and Mary, Center for Conservation Biology
Breeding survey, banding, and productivity monitoring of AMOYs on the barrier islands of Virginia. - Shiloh Schulte, Manomet Center for Conservation Science
AMOY Breeding Success and Banding at Monomoy NWR - Kimberly Peters, SC Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Clemson University
Effects of predator density and human disturbance on AMOY foraging behavior on the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge: focal animal results. - Stephen Brown, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
Population size, winter distribution, and habitat associations of the eastern subspecies of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus palliatus) - Erica Nol, Trent University
Are losses due to flooding increasing? A plea to record heights of nests above water and incubation initiation dates. - Conor McGowan, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlfe Research Unit
AMOY research and monitoring in North Carolina - Barry Truitt, The Nature Conservancy
(1) Breeding, Nesting, and Winter Surveys of AMOYS in the Virginia Barrier island/Lagoon System
(2) Winter distribution of AMOYs in Virginia. - Felicia Sanders, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Winter oystercatcher distribution in South Carolina